Thursday, January 14, 2010


My name is Victoria Carey, however, I have always gone by Tori. I am from the San Francisco Bay Area, the East Bay to be more specific. I enjoy many things, such as reading, traveling, playing the viola, listening to music, finding good movies, sewing, and skiing. I am interested in all kinds of things, and am always happy to learn something new. As of right now, I really do not know what I would like to major in, but I know I would like to minor in creative writing, and I also enjoy psychology.
Here are some of my random favorite things. My favorite color is green. My favorite food is sushi. My favorite TV shows are Weeds, Dead Like Me, and Firefly. Oh, and I have been swept up in this current obsession of Glee. I do not have a favorite movie (I love so many) but my favorite director is probably Alfred Hitchcock. I have been watching his movies since I was little. My favorite book, for now at least, is Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle, though I am nowhere near as cynical as Vonnegut. My favorite place to be is on the coast of Northern California, called The Sea Ranch. I have the greatest peace of mind when I am at the "coast house" that my family and I built ourselves there. It is nice to be surrounded by tall trees and so close to the ocean.
A random, or secret, fact about myself is that I cannot roll my "r's". My friends and family like to give me a hard time for this impediment of mine.
My computer background is very BASIC. I know how to use Microsoft, Itunes, Facebook, etc. , however, I know there is a lot more I could be using these for, and I would really like to be able to create more invigorating powerpoint presentations, tables, and the like with Microsoft.

You can email me here.


  1. Awesome. I am obsessed with Weeds for sure.

  2. Great Job! I am obsessed with Glee as well!!!

  3. Tori! I knew you liked movies, but I didn't know your favorite director is Alfred Hitchcock! Cool! We should watch Alfred Hitchcock movies in my room from now on!

  4. Hey I'm from the Bay Area too! I used to live in Berkeley but now I live in San Mateo. I miss home a lot!
